Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Acmena smithii 'BWNFIR' Pbr
is the HEDGE of CHOICE for AUSTRALIAN CONDITIONS being FAST GROWING, PEST & DISEASE RESISTANT and heatwave, wind, coastal and cold tolerant (-2deg)! FIRESCREEN holds it's foliage all the way to the ground and is LOW FRUITING. For best results grow in full sun to part-shade, add organic matter to soil when planting and feed and water regularly until established.
Equiries: Stuart (breeder) 0428 878 626.
Ask for FIRESCREEN by name
- at your friendly LOCAL Garden Centre
- Bunnings Warehouse
FIRESCREEN is produced by Licensed Propagators in all mainland states of Australia.
(NB ALL Wholesale Growers - FIRESCREEN may be purchased and potted-on for resale, without permit, providing the promotional label remains attached, or ex label for direct landscape use only.)
Licensed Propagators;
Cutting Edge Natives - Rosebank NSW (02) 6688 2042
Jamberoo Native Nursery - Jamberoo NSW (02) 4236 0445
Limpinwood Gardens Nursery - Chillingham NSW (02) 6679 3353
Mansfields Propagation VIC - (03) 9782 2404
Wild Valley Propagation, Tallebudgera QLD (07)5533 8005,0402800865
Botanica Nurseries - (Licenced Propagator) Silverdale (02) 4774 2811
Bangalow Wholesale Nursery - Sales: 0428 878 626. License Enquiries: 0266 878 626
Limpinwood Gardens Nursery (Licenced Propagator)(02) 6679 3353
Andreasens Green Nurseries (NSW) (02) 9826 1911
Arborglen Nursery - Sydney (02)96522327
Coffs Coast Tree Nursery - Coffs Harbour (02) 6648 4881
Gondwana Nursery - Barkers Vale (02) 6689 7544
Jamberoo Native Nursery - Jamberoo (02)4236 0445 (Licenced Propagator)
Macleay Valley Nursery - Kempsey NSW (02) 6562 4934
Morisset Nursery - Morisset NSW (02) 4973 5566
Mullum Creek Nursery - Mullumbimby (02) 6684 1703
Natures Care Nursery - Taree - (02) 6552 8848
S & D Whalans Nurseries P/L - Hillsborough (02) 4943 7799, Edgeworth (02) 4965 8277
Plantrade - Nelsons bay Road, Bobs Farm NSW - (02) 4982 5095
Shellharbour Wholesale Nursery - Oak Flats NSW (02) 4221 6191
Sydney Wildflower Nursery - Heathcote (02) 9548 2818
Wirreanda Nursery - Ingleside NSW (02) 9450 1400
Tarrawood Plant Nursery - Kalaru - (02) 6494 1850
Tree World Nursery - Sydney (02) 9651 5167
Ficifolia Native Nursery - Drouin South 3818 (03) 5627 6457
Kilby Park Tree Farm - Kew East, (03) 9859 9190
Landscapelink - Heatherton, (03) 9558 0388
Orths Nursery - Coldstream, Yarra Valley (03) 9739 1541
Prestige Plants Pty Ltd (Licensed Propagator)- (03) 9799 1599
Speciality Trees - Narre Warren East (03) 9796 8308
Warner's Nurseries (Licenced Propagator) (03) 9796 9422
Native Plant Wholesalers (Licenced Propagator)(08)8726 6210
Engel Advanced Trees, Adelaide SA (08) 8280-0066
Plantmark - QLD, NSW, VIC, SA
Domus Nursery (Licenced Propagator)Hacketts Gully (08)9293 1768
Landsdale Plants - (Licenced Grower)(08) 9309 1591
Aspley Nursery - Burpengary QLD (07)54985652
Andreasens Green Nurseries QLD (07) 3382 0076
Anza Nursery - Mareeba QLD (07) 4092 7122
Berrigans Road Nursery - Mudgeeraba (07) 5530 2577
Boundary Nursery - Yeppoon QLD (07) 4939 7663
Daly Native Plants - (07) 3349 0807
Devon Stork Nursery, Mudgeeraba (07) 5530 5463
Go Green Rainforest Nursery - Glenview QLD (07)5494 5980
Kingfisher Nursery - Clagiraba QLD - (07)55 33 7537
Neilsens Native Nursery - Loganholme - (07) 3806 1414
Plants Direct - Noosa - (07)5449 1909
Plant Connections - Chevallum Qld 4555 (07) 5445 9875
Plants Whitsunday - (07) 4946 1258
Pylara Nursery - Fig Tree Pocket QLD - (07) 3378 7145
Lake Devon Nursery - Upper Coomera QLD - 07)5573 4482
Plant Connections - Chevallum QLD (07) 5445 9875
Ibrox Park Nursery - BURBANK QLD (07) 3349 8696
Wongabel Wholesale Nursery QLD
Trees Impact Group P/L - (02) 4234 2700
< FIRESCREEN 300mm STANDARD, available from Devon Stork Nursery, Mudgeeraba (07) 5530 5463
* BUSH FIRE SAFETY TIP - Being a lower-volatility species Acmena smithii is listed as a safer choice on the plant lists of a number of Rural and Country Fire Authorities and Councils*. When planning a garden in bush fire prone regions it is recommended householders contact their local council or Country Fire Authority for planting advice regarding hazard reduction and planting setback from buildings. While low-volatility plants are a safer choice it should be noted that "fire retardant" does not equal "fire proof" as all plants will burn at high enough temperatures.
* For Fire Retardant Tree bibliography visit our website