Thursday, December 3, 2009

Garden showcase...

Here are images of a recent garden design project.

This stunning, elevated 120 acre property near Bangalow with views over rolling hills to The Nightcap Range is a welcoming country estate retreat for a busy Sydney family.

Fast growing Acmena smithii 'Fire screen' was selected to form a hedge which frames the new sweeping lawn created when part of the existing orchard and a gravel driveway were removed to create a "common". This green open space links house, guest accommodation, play equipment and a new tennis court and provides a safe, vehicle-free haven for young children's play. With farm buildings and relocated access road on the outside of the hedge there is now a clear distinction between work and recreational areas.

Cupressus 'Nitchkies Needles' add a structural element, highlighting exit points in the hedge from the parkland to the working macadamia farm and drawing the eye to the mountain views beyond. New tree plantings, including Moreton Bay Fig, Tropical Birch and Himalayan Magnolia augment large established trees; Illawarra Flame Tree, Norfolk Island pine, Hills Weeping Fig and Poinciana.







Guests are accommodated in the beautifully renovated dairy bails, their simple Colourbond exterior enhanced by a wrap-around hedge of Gardenia magnifica alongside stunning rockwork by local stonemason John Oatley. Designed for low maintenance, the bails are surrounded by pebbles and sandstone stepping stones softened by plantings of Louisiana Iris, Liriope, Arum Lily, Adjuga, orange Clivia and Petrea volubilus vine, for a distinct white, purple and orange colour scheme.
Large antiqued planters on the shady southern side, framing the entranceway, are planted with white Tree Begonia with bamboo-like stems which seem to be almost perpetually in flower.

On the northern side of the bails Tibouchina 'Jazzi', Salvia 'Indigo Spires', orange Day Lilies and Hippeastrum, as well as Frangipani thrive in the hot, sunny aspect. (Below)

A huge urn on the northern side, planted with agave and tumbling Erigeron daisy and surrounded by a Syzygium australe hedge, hides the septic tank! v